Brain Battle: Biz Plan Bs

Object of this creative energizer is to challenge your brain/s to find Business Plan Bs hiding in brand names.  


  • Prepare a ppt slide with following copy: 
What brands could launch an alternative business plan BASED SOLELY ON THEIR NAME? Name the brand and its new business.  Ex: Walmart plans to only sell Walls. Apple Genius Bar becomes place for brilliant scientists to order fruit.
  • Share screen/slide 
  • Give team 5 minutes to quietly think and type their answers into GROUP CHAT function, but tell them DO NOT HIT SUBMIT until time is called
  • Call time. Everyone NOW submits their answers into group chat for all to see
  • Review, Laugh & Groan. Bragging rights for most creative answer, funniest answer and participant who generated the most answers!

Creative credit to Northeast PA Odyssey of the Mind for the inspiration!